Saturday, December 24, 2011

The McLachlin family...

This is my best bud in the world, Earl, and his beautiful family. We have, literally, been through thick and thin since just after high school. We have certainly come a long way since late night drag racing, early morning Waffle House raids, and random youthful mayhem!






McLachlin11 by Brad Self Photography

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


After a nearly 24 hour travel day we finally made it home to Austin.  There is NOTHING like sleeping in your own bed after being away and I wish I had been able to enjoy it for longer than 5 hours.  It seems my internal clock thought 11:45am Ireland time was the right time to wake up meaning 5:45am here.  Doh!  I'm sure we'll have more to share over the next couple of days but here are a few pics taken by me (Brad wants to edit his before posting any).

Kinnity, Co. Offaly, Ireland

Cliffs of Moher, Co. Clare, Ireland
N27, scenic route to Cliffs of Moher

Kilronan Castle, Ballyfarnon, CO. Roscommon, Ireland On the  road heading towards Waterford

I have never been more in awe of God as creator than I was during this trip.  There were times I was so overwhelmed by the beauty my breath would catch. I felt the bigness of who He is more in Ireland than anywhere else I've ever been and was so humbled by it that I wanted to weep.  The pictures don't come close to doing it justice but hopefully they give you an idea of how amazing the scenery is.

We also spent some time in "historic" Dublin, called Temple Bar and found this great pub called The Quays where there was live, traditional Irish music.  It was so much fun and the duo was really talented.